How It Works
HOW OMEGA MATTERS WORKS!! Omegas are made up of unsaturated fatty acids which are extremely important for animal health and contribute to the enhancement of growth, reproduction, lactation and overall wellbeing. Ruminants are unable to produce these essential fatty acids (EFA) in the body and therefore they need to be supplied through their diet. Products which are high in Omega’s or fat are also high in energy and protein. Reproduction in ruminants is closely associated with positive energy balance and the energy supplied through this omega supplement is an added bonus to the complete diet. Omega Matters consists of a base product which allows maximum absorption of omegas in the small intestine. Omegas benefit reproduction in the following ways:
- Increased number of follicles and improved follicle size and quality
- Improved synthesis of reproductive hormones:
- Omegas delay the prostaglandin spike following ovulation allowing more time for the developing embryo to reach the uterus and send a message that the cow is pregnant.
Progesterone– Progesterone is required to maintain the Corpus Luteum and it prepares the uterus for implantation of the embryo therefore reducing embryo losses. Prostaglandin– is synthesized from the breakdown of Omega 3. Prostaglandin is the hormone responsible for regulating oestrus and causing regression of the Corpus Luteum. NB prostaglandin can destroy the corpus luteum before the developing embryo can reach the uterus effectively terminating any chance of a pregnancy.
Minerals and vitamins also play a significant role in reproduction. Below is a list of minerals and their effect on reproduction if deficient.
- Calcium– Prolonged time to first oestrus and ovulation, increased dystocia (calving difficulties) and retained placenta and prolapse.
- Phosphorus– delayed sexual maturity and increased embryo losses.
- Magnesium– Loss of appetite which affects negative energy balance and DM (dry matter) intake.
- Copper– Early embryo death through re-absorption, increased retained placenta, delayed and depressed oestrus.
- Zinc– Slower sexual maturities, slower return to oestrus and longer repair of uterus after calving.
- Selenium– Weak, silent and irregular heats, early embryonic death and increased cystic ovaries.
- Manganese– Silent heats and an-oestrus, reduced hormone synthesis.
- Cobalt– Delayed puberty and slower metabolism.
- Iodine– Delayed puberty, irregular heats, fertilization failure and early embryonic death.
- Vitamin E– Lowered immune system and general health.
It is recommended that animals be supplemented with Omega Matters crumble at least 2 weeks prior and during joining for maximum results. Animals supplemented with Omega Matters should display shorter time to first service, stronger more regular heats, lower embryo loss and ultimately more animals pregnant early in the breeding season.
References: 1. Bunge Feeds. 1996. Role of Vitamins and Minerals on Maintaining cow fertility. TARA 2. Yasothai, R. 2014. Importance of minerals in reproduction in dairy cattle. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, India. 3. Blezinger, B. 2014. Mineral Intake Critical for Reproductive Performance. USA 4. Jose E.P., Santos., Greco, L., Garcia, M., Thatcher, W., Staples, C. 2014. The role of specific fatty acids on dairy cattle performance and fertility. Department of Animal Science University of Florida, USA. 5. Mattos, R., Staples, C., Thatcher W., 2000. Effects of dietary fatty acids on reproduction in ruminants. Department of dairy and poultry sciences, University of Florida. USA
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